That "about" page everyone has

Welcome to the "About" page, if you're here, it means you're interested in knowing a bit more about me and my webpage. I appreciate you taking interest in us (me and my web)!


I'm a regular 18 year old dude who has a lot of time, and I mean a lot. I have no precise goals in life and I've decided to take on this... whatever this is you call it. I'm making a website for the same reasons many of us are: I got sick and tired of the conventional and limiting platforms of social media; I also need a creative outlet; I might also need somewhere to express myself freely (I'll do my best to add warnings to posts if I randomly decide to vent, don't worry)


I'm a man of many hobbies, provided I'm still at a point of life development where I'm figuring out my "passion" or my "spark". Anyways, here goes a list of the hobbies that resonate with me the most as of now.